Hydro One

  • Estimated value: $16B
  • Revenue: $6.55B
  • Income: $1.04B
  • 60% Sale: $9.6B

Your Home

  • Estimated value: $500,000
  • Revenue: $205,000
  • Income: $32,500
  • 60% Sale: $300,000
If you could recover the proposed sale amount in less than 1.5 years, would you sell your home or save it for your children?

You would save your home. Why sell Hydro One then?


The latest financials from 2014 Annual Report:

  • Hydro One's revenue was $6.55B. Ontario could recover the 60% sale amount ($9.6B) in one and half years.
  • Hydro One's net income was $749M and paid Ontario a dividend of $287M. This combined profit ($1.04B) would recover the proposed sale amount in less than 10 years.
  • Would you sell your house for a paltry $300,000 if it generated a revenue of over $200,000? Doesn't it make sense to save the house for your children?
  • Electricity is a necessity and is also a vital part of our infrastructure - what will we sell in the future to buy this back?

Financials of Past 10 Years*

*Based on the Hydro One's various reports, including Financial MD&A and Investor presentations

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